Endowment Fund
The Fonds pour les Ateliers de Paris brings together private and public players committed to developing and promoting art, fashion and design in Paris and the surrounding area.
Félix Marye
An endowment fund created by the City of Paris in 2012, the Fonds pour les Ateliers de Paris aims to strengthen and accelerate the support actions carried out by the Office. It is administered by a Board of Directors of 10 members, and advised by 1 expert.
It works to support and stimulate the professional development of designers and encourage job creation, facilitate the transfer of know-how between experienced professionals and young talent, and promote professional networks in the creative professions in France and abroad. By stepping up its philanthropic initiatives, the Fund promotes innovation and a sustainable professional environment, further enhancing the excellence of Parisian expertise and designers by creating a genuine dynamic between public and private players.
The Fonds pour les Ateliers de Paris sets up sponsorship programmes each year:
- Increase of the endowments of the Grands Prix de la Création de la Ville de Paris
- Creation of new Knowledge Transfer Awards
- Funding for projects at Paris schools of applied art (Étienne, Boulle, Duperré), international programs and creative workshops
- Support for events to promote the sector
Thanks to the commitment of its patrons, the Fund has supported nearly 400 beneficiaries, including 67 winners of the Grands Prix de la Création de la Ville de Paris, 70 professionals who benefited from collective training courses, 128 participants in creative workshops (design and reuse, interdisciplinary creathons), and 29 artisans who received help to acquire machinery. It also financed 38 new Savoir-Faire transmission awards and contributed to the funding of 3 international exchanges (Belgium and the Netherlands).
Each project has an associated sponsor recognition programme.
Member of the Board of Directors
Founder of Ateliers de Paris, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of crafts from 2001 to 2014, President of the Institut National des Métiers d'arts (INMA) from 2016 to 2019
Lorraine DAUCHEZ
Founder of ARTEUM, distributor and publisher of cultural and tourist products
Retail entrepreneur & consultant, creator of Résonances et Merci, designer ofEmpreintes
Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of Culture
Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of tourism and nightlife
Anthony LEROY
Director of Communications, City of Paris
Director of Cultural Affairs for the City of Paris (DAC)
Graphic designer, former resident of the Ateliers de Paris, founder of the Blouson Noir agency, patron of the arts
Managing Director of the Fondation Rémy Cointreau, patron of the arts
Director of Paris Design Week, Maison&Objet and Director of Partnerships and Major Events
President of the Michelle and Antoine Riboud Foundation, patron of the arts
Designer, former resident of Les Ateliers de Paris
Support the Fund
As an individual
By becoming a sponsor, you contribute to :
- Stimulating creation and innovation to create jobs and support business development
- Promoting the creations of uniquely talented professionals
- Betting on creation
Individual sponsors benefit from tax advantages. The tax reduction is equal to 66% of the sums donated, up to an annual limit of 20% of taxable income. If the limit of
20% of income is exceeded, the tax reduction can be carried over to the following 5 years. (Article 200 of the General Tax Code).
As a company
By becoming a sponsor, you contribute to :
- Involve your company, your employees and your skills in innovative projects that encourage talented professionals in all stages of their development
- Establish a long-term partnership dynamic
- Contribute to increasing the economic dynamism of the Paris Metropolis, and participate in the international influence of Paris
Corporate sponsors benefit from tax advantages, with a reduction in corporate tax. The tax reduction is equal to 60% of the amount of the donation made in cash, in skills or in kind, up to a limit of 0.5% of turnover or a ceiling of €10,000 before tax, with the possibility, if this ceiling is exceeded, of carrying forward the excess to the next five financial years. (Article 238 bis-1 of the CGI).
Pierre Sliosberg
Partnership Manager

Tel: + 33 1 71 18 75 48
email: pierre.sliosberg@paris.fr