Presentation of the scheme

The aid provided is an interest-free loan of up to €10,000. This sum cannot represent the entire investment.

It is aimed exclusively atcraftspeople (trades falling within the list established by the decree of December 24, 2015, which can be consulted here).

The request may concern investment needs (premises, machinery), purchase of materials, market research, development of communication tools, participation in a trade fair, etc.

The entrepreneurial and innovative dimension is a determining factor in the allocation of the loan. Particular attention will be paid to projects that take into account environmental impacts.

Filing of applications

Applications for an honorary loan can be submitted throughout the year.

Candidates may have been supported by a business creation support structure or by a third party in the preparation of their application (in particular for the preparation of accounting documents).

Application form (download)

Submit an application

  • Be under 35 years of age or under 45 years of age in the case of professional retraining
  • The company must be located in Ile de France
  • Create, take over or develop an entrepreneurial activity in the field of arts and crafts (trades included in the list established by the decree of 24 December 2015, which can be consulted at, under the heading Arts and crafts)
  • Projects can be individual or collective. Collective projects must appoint a single representative for their joint application.
  • The candidate holds a diploma in the field of art crafts (CAP, Bac pro, DNMADE or other).
  • People who do not have a diploma and who have developed skills in these areas on their own must first apply to Mathilde Nony,
  • The honorary loan is a loan to the person (it is not carried by the company)

Need more information?

Contact: Mathilde Nony -

The winners


  • Michelle and Antoine Riboud Foundation
  • Fund for the Ateliers de Paris
  • EY Corporate Foundation