Our training courses cover all aspects of business development: management, strategy, marketing and communication.
They are available in short formats and themed programs, combining training and individual advice on a specific theme (digital, sustainable development, etc.).
They are open to fashion, design and craft professionals.
Meeting times to obtain information and initial insight on subjects as varied as financing, exporting, public markets and press relations (free of charge).
No training available.
The essentials
Short training sessions that alternate theoretical contributions and practical applications to deepen a subject, to equip oneself and to increase one's competence.
1 day Thursday, March 6th Sold out - registration on waiting list
Develop your e-commerce business (Advanced - Level 2)
2 days Thursday March 13 and Tuesday March 25 Sold out - registration on waiting list
Marketing strategy: Define your brand and emerge with a strong offering
2 days + 2 individual appointments Fridays March 14 and 28 Sold out - registration on waiting list
Time management for the manager
1 day Tuesday April 1st
Accelerate growth with an impactful presence on social networks (advanced)
1 day Tuesday April 29th
AI at the service of creation (Introduction to AI)
1 day Wednesday April 9th
Linkedin, my business asset
Accompanying programmes
Courses over several months to deepen a theme through training and/or individual meetings.