The Bureau du Design, de la Mode et des Métiers d'Art implements the City of Paris' policy in favor of the creative professions. Through various programs, it supports emerging and established companies and designers in these sectors in developing their business.

The missions


Every year, the Bureau advises more than 500 entrepreneurs at every stage of their professional life: incubation, training and experts, and finding premises.


The Bureau is committed to federating and promoting the actors of the creative professions ecosystem, both nationally and internationally.


The Bureau rewards and supports current and up-and-coming professionals in the design, fashion and crafts sectors.

Not to be missed

Office breakfasts

Les Petits Déj' du Bureau will resume on September 10 at 9:30 am.
Find out more about our activities and ask any questions you may have.

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Call for entries - The Savoir-faire en transmission Prize

The Savoir-faire en transmission awards enable young adults or adults undergoing retraining to perfect their craft training during a full-time, one-year internship in an artisan's workshop.

Awarded annually by the City of Paris, the prizes are worth €10,000 each.

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Call for applications - "Made in Paris" label

The "Made in Paris" label distinguishes and rewards products specifically produced in Paris. Awarded free of charge by the City of Paris for a renewable period of one year, the label promotes the diversity and wealth of expertise of Parisian retailers, designers and craftspeople, helping to boost the local economy.

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Professional directory

Discover the best addresses of all the professionals in the sector

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Frequently asked questions

All the answers to your practical and administrative questions, etc.

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