Marie Charpentier's creations show the spontaneous agreement, the sensual meeting of the body and the object: the perfect harmony between a jewel and the shape that it comes to marry. Trained at ENSAAMA, in BTS Textile then in DMA Metal, and holder of a CAP Art du Bijou et du Joyau prepared with a jeweller during one year, within the framework of the Bourse métiers d'art de la Ville de Paris, Marie Charpentier is now developing her first collection of jewellery and accessories around the original theme of the mushroom.

Unexpected and delicate, his "Parasites" seem to naturally integrate the body and its clothing. Inspired by the plastic and formal characteristics of mushrooms, the notions and the imaginary closely linked to this plant, the objects testify to an interest in the body/object relationship, occupied spaces, and textile/metal interaction. Anchored on the shoulder, nestled in the hollow of a fold, or simply placed on the hand, these jewels question us about the "geography of our body".

Marie Charpentier is the winner of the Grand Prix de la Création de la Ville de Paris 2009, in the Beginning Art Crafts section.


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