Category : Sector information
ParisLocal Boutique - The new platform for selling local and artisanal products
Artisans and shopkeepers, list your products!
ParisLocal Boutique is the brand-new platform for the promotion and sale of objects by designers and artisans. Between tradition and modernity, ParisLocal Boutique offers a selection of
one-of-a-kind items, embodying all the know-how of artisans in Paris and the Greater Paris area.
Each item, carefully selected, is made from eco-responsible materials or by promoting short circuits.
Among the products to be found on ParisLocal Boutique: Parisian chocolates and jams, handmade soaps, responsible clothing, designer jewelry, accessories and ceramics, as well as
the original "Paris je t'aime" collection. Items to offer yourself, or, for our tourists, an authentic and responsible souvenir of Paris.
This online boutique supports artisans by offering an additional sales channel for their products, particularly for those who don't have a boutique or workshop that can
welcome the public.
You'll be able to find many products bearing the "Made in Paris" label , which distinguishes and rewards products specifically produced in the Paris region, an initiative of the Bureau du Design, de la Mode et des Métiers d'Art.
With a powerful network of partners: Métropole du Grand Paris, Ville de Paris, Bureau du Design, de la Mode et des Métiers d'Art, Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Paris Île-de-France, Chambres des Métiers et de l'Artisanat de Paris et d'Île-de-France, Paris Commerces, Ateliers d'Art de France...
How do I register?
Registration is open via the form below.
The support team will contact you in a few days to present ParisLocal Boutique, the registration and sales procedures, and answer any questions you may have.
The Paris je t'aime team will select and validate the artisans and products.