"You know that your presence on social networks is essential to making yourself known and attracting your target audience, but you don't know how to get to grips with your Instagram or Linkedin account. Are you lacking in knowledge of the various functionalities? Don't know what to post or how to get organized? "

Trampoline offers a one-day workshop
to help you create the basics of a good Instagram and Linkedin account, and feel comfortable using these two networks.

Objectives :

  • Understand the strategic importance of the social networks Instagram and Linkedin.
  • Create the foundations of a good Instagram and Linkedin account.
  • Understand the different platform formats and know how to use them.
  • Learn how to create content in line with your means and capacities.
  • Discover tools to organize and communicate easily on social networks.
  • Discover inspiring examples and exchange ideas with other designers.

Prerequisites: beginner level - no specific prior knowledge is required to take part in this workshop. Come with your curiosity, enthusiasm and desire to learn!

Céline Bonnefond & Elisabeth Chaniot, founders of Trampoline. Because today, being a craftsman, designer or creator also means being an entrepreneur, and because we don't always have all the keys or the distance to deploy ourselves, we created Trampoline.
For the past 6 years, we have been supporting artists, craftsmen, designers and interior architects in their positioning, communication & image strategy, and business development.

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