This training provides you with the keys to calculate your cost price and hourly rate, to position yourself in relation to the competition, to sell at a sufficiently remunerative price and to attract the maximum number of customers.

The objectives of the training:

- Evaluate the cost price of its products or services,

- Set your sales price (professional, general public) according to your positioning and the distribution networks used to meet your customers,


- The annual workload plan
- Evaluating productive time,
- Calculating hourly rates.
- Costing by product

Setting the selling price of your product
- The different price levels: workshop price, prescriber price, reseller price, consumer price, export price,
- Intermediary margins,
- The impact of VAT,
- The market price, benchmarking,

The presentation of the price list
- The minimum order and its impact on the cost price,
- The impact of shipping costs : actual invoicing - flat-rate invoicing - carriage paid,
- Price validity,
- Price negotiation and discounts.

AMEADE is the first organization specialized in training, services and business development support for companies in the arts and crafts, creation, design and heritage sectors. The innovative training courses are focused on practice, to be an actor in one's training, to appropriate the concepts and to implement one's own project.

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