Collected at the Villa du Lavoir, located in Paris 10, the filters of hundreds of used cigarette butts were cleaned and sanitized. Dyed in shades of green in a hot pigment bath, the fibre was reshaped and cut into small sections. William Amor The artist placed each element one by one to obtain a mosaic effect like a landscape seen from the sky.

William Amor © Matthieu Gauchet
William Amor © Matthieu Gauchet

William Amor finds the origin of his artistic approach in the desire to take the current trend of upcyclingfurther and to put art at the service of ecology.

He uses abandoned materials to create artistic works called Les Créations Messagères. Driven by a taste for commitment and aestheticism, he metamorphoses plastic pollution and creates his own artistic signature by developing his own techniques borrowed from the crafts.

These everyday wastes become exceptional pieces, carrying meaning and values. William Amor distils a touch of beauty and poetry while raising awareness of value judgements and over-consumption, which produces pollution.

Portrait at the top of the page © Florent Mulot

In pictures

William Amor © Florent Mulot